Redesign with django CMS. Replacing TYPO3. Integrating with the company's ERP system, all products are feed from there. Advanced indexed search implemented for products and all other contents. Dealer locator with proximity search. Also, search enginge optimized A-Z.
Project url
August 2017
Concept + design
vetica group
Python Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate your systems … / MySQL / Integration einer externen Applikation SAP, post.ch, bexio, Zurichticket, Microsoft Navision, Your ERP XY, Google Scholar. You'll have … / Django The web framework for perfectionists with deadlines. Django delivers. For us, three points … / django CMS Advanced content management, but dead simple editing, with publication workflow, though. Best in … / Indexed Search / Javascript JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming language that conforms … / Ajax Also "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML", whereas XML slowly gets in the background, and JSON is the … / gunicorn / NGINX The open source web server that powers 400 million websites. Also our webserver … / fabric Fabric is a high level Python library designed to execute shell commands remotely … /